Ohio’s Community Mercy Hospice invites the community to remember and celebrate their loved ones at…

Ohio’s Community Mercy Hospice Slates Volunteer Training for March 10
Hospice volunteers play a vital role with the interdisciplinary teams serving hospice patients and their families. Ohio’s Community Mercy Hospice seeks new volunteers and will hold a new volunteer orientation on Saturday, March 10, 2018 from 8 am to 1 pm.
Ohio’s Community Mercy Hospice welcomes volunteers from all backgrounds and of all ages. Volunteers are essential to the hospice mission of providing superior care and superior services. Hospice volunteers provide a variety of support and services including serving as friendly visitors and companions, providing respite care, shopping, delivering medications and supplies, massage, beautician and barber services and gardening. Volunteers also serve as ambassadors sharing information about hospice care and in office support roles. Volunteer training acquaints new volunteers with information on
- History and goals of end-of-life care
- Role of and opportunities for volunteers
- Confidentiality, infection control, and safety
- Boundaries
- Effective listening
- Loss and grief
Information about volunteering is available by contacting Tami Clark at Ohio’s Community Mercy Hospice at tclark@ohioscommunitymercyhospice.org or by calling 937-390-9665
Applications are also available by clicking here.
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